
Signal reconstruction from sampled signal? [closed]

Signal reconstruction from sampled signal? [closed]
  1. How can you reconstruct the original signal from the sampled signal?
  2. Is it always possible to reconstruct the original signal after it is sampled?
  3. What is the condition that a signal can be reconstructed from its samples?
  4. Which device is used for the reconstruction of the sampled signal?
  5. How a band limited signal can be reconstructed from its samples?
  6. Is the process of reconstruction from its sampled output?

How can you reconstruct the original signal from the sampled signal?

The reconstruction process consists of replacing each sample by a sinc function, centered at the time of the sample and scaled by the sample value x(nT) times 2fc/ fs and adding all the functions so created. Suppose the signal is sampled at exactly Nyquist rate fs= 2fm, Then fm= fs/2 = fs- fm and Fm= 1/2 = 1- Fm.

Is it always possible to reconstruct the original signal after it is sampled?

If a continuous-time signal contains only frequencies below the Nyquist frequency fs/2, then it can be perfectly reconstructed from samples taken at sampling frequency fs.

What is the condition that a signal can be reconstructed from its samples?

The original signal is recoverable from its sampled form when the highest frequency component is less than the Nyquist frequency, ωs/2.

Which device is used for the reconstruction of the sampled signal?

Explanation: Equalizer followed by a low pass filter is necessary for reconstruction of a signal from its sampled version.

How a band limited signal can be reconstructed from its samples?

Reconstruction of a band-limited signal from uniformly spaced samples ('regular sampling') is a well-understood problem treated in signal processing textbooks: given uniformly spaced samples of the signal, the original band-limited signal can be exactly reconstructed from the samples by sinc interpolation so long as ...

Is the process of reconstruction from its sampled output?

Reconstruction is the process of creating an analog voltage (or current) from samples. A digital-to-analog converter takes a series of binary numbers and recreates the voltage (or current) levels that corresponds to that binary number. Then this signal is filtered by a lowpass filter.

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